g treadle of Confcience. given unto them. The Papills ípeak blafphemie it fàyiing their Pope can make laws under pain of damnation To be kept Our Saviour Chriflmaketh this a propertie onely of God Fear not hits that ran 1l the bodie, and there et all that he can do : but liar him who can caJ both !Podia and foul into hell : 3 fay unto you, Fear kirt, Luke i 2. 4. As if he had Paid, Men can reach no further then the bodie, and their punifhments can go Ito further then the death of the bodie. Vie . 2. This teacher!) us what to do if men fhou Id command any thing which is unlawfull for us to perform : (Suppolé there Ihould be any fuch humane commands_as are repugnant to Gods.) In this cafe ye fee we mull obey God rather then mens; nay, fiiffer lofle of goods, loge of libertie, yea loge of life, rather then obey the commandments of men, in cafe they be contrarie to the commandments of God. Ye may reade a lamentable example in Ephraim ; They were utterly deflroyed for obeying their King rather then their God : The King com- manded to worfhip the calves, and to go unto Bethel and not to Jerufalem to worfhip : they yielded to his commandment, and did fo ; O thought they, we fhall di (pleafe the King if we do not. Vor this (inne of theirs they were broken in judgement, Hof. s. ii. Ephraim is deflroyed and broken in judgement, becaufe he willingly walked after the commandment. Beloved, Gods commandment is favereigne, and the fiipreme binder of conftience : Whatever commandment is repugnant to Gods word, wo to us if we do at; nay, though it be to five our goods or our lives. It is true, we mull give to Cefitr the things that are Cefars; but fo as withall we weft be lure to give to God the things that are Gods. h fa 3. 3. This comfortech Gods people ágainfl the calumnia and Handers of wicked and ungodly men, that upbraid them for their obedience to God. O lay they, re irregular and defpi f rs of autboritye. J lay, this is comfort to the godly, that God, is able to bear them out in obeying him rather then men. Gods word is the fupreme binder of conIcience ; and therefore, what- evet men think of fuck, they axe abf %Intely'bounelty obey Ood If