tr°eatife of ConJcience, the time of performance, we aretiot bound in confcience to perforrir them : as if a man upon the receit of fome mereie fhould in teftnnonie of his thankfulueffe vow a hundred.pounds to good ufes, in the mean time his eftate fo decayeth as that he flaall undo himfelf and his familie if he perform it ; this is fo great a confequence, and contingently hapned, that it freeth his confcience from performing what he had vowed (Or if a man fhould promife marriage to a woman, and before the time of nuptials (he be found unchaft ; this is a farre greater eon- fequence, and he is not bound inconfcience to marry her. Thefe kinds of vows do not bind in confcience But all other do bind us. r . Yfe s We may leans-from hence never to vow but with good judgement and counfèl. For either we muff keep our promiiè, or not :.If we mu& that is a ligne it is good, and therefore had need of deliberation : If we `mat not keep it then it is a tgne of rafhnetife and inconfideratenef%; and be- lides it may prove fcandalous and offenfive to them to whom we make it, and allo to them that (hall heare of it : And there- fore it requireth good judgement and advife to vow. What a calk vow was that of good jephthah? If thou wilt deliver badger rr Ammon into my band, whatfoever xseeteth me j will offer it 30. fora burnt - offering. How if a dog had firfl met him ? what a fume had it been? How if his daughter? what a thing had that been? And indeed it proved to be his daughter. Vows without judgement;do but increafé our (nines and aggravate our tranfgrefhons againft God. 2. Pie ; This teacheth us to keep our good vows whatfoever they be that we make. Indeed it is hard to keep a good, yea it is hard to make a good vow in that manner as we fhould : It requireth a greatdeal of faith and Pelf- denial, and humility and ftrength ofrefolution : But when we have made it, our fin is the greater if we do not then keep it ; Better it is not to vow then Ecdef.S 6 that thou fheuldt vow and not pay. Haft then vowed avow? then,ieferre not topay it : God hob ne pleafaire in fools. As if the holy Gholt had laid, It is the part of a fool to vow befèrehe I i 3 confider ^