Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

1 ß4 tread fe. of Confeáence, . confider and be abjolurely re foltstd to perform, to be of and be with the Lord (god of hefts : The Lord hath no plesfure in foals : Therefore pay all thygood sows, and be humbled for thy raj* vows. But we are fallen into bad times, when truth and equity is perifhed from among men ; Every one is adeceitfull bow : yea, the belt (al moll) is a briar : Nothing fo common as vows and promiles; but few make confcience of performing them. Nay, men are careleffe of their grand vow which they have made unto God in their Baptifie. Q this is a very fearful! fin I BaptiCttiss Ye have all made a vow unto God in your bapulme that ye would live otherwife then ye do, and ye make no con fcience to keep it. Baptifine is a vcrywveighty thing : If there were no o- ther thing td bind you to hol neffe and obedience and faith but only the vow ye entred into in your Baptifine,. did ye confider what a vow it is, it would move you alone. lois laid of Apol- 4110 is. los,that he was fervent in fpirit though he 1t sew nothing but the 2. 5, baptifine of John: ApolloscooUdered what a vow he had made unto God to his baptifine, that, though he knew nothing elle, it made him zealous for God. Baptifine is a very great binder of confcience : It bindeth a man to believe, and to go out of him - ielf, and to fubmitto JefusChtift. The wicked Pharafees law Matth.az- this to be true : I f wee fhall fay that ,Johns baptifine was freno 15 heaven, he will fay, Why did ye not thon believe ? Beloved,was not your baptifine fror.heaven ? Was it not an ordinance of God ? and did ye not folemnly then vow unto God ? Why then do ye not believe ? Why do ye netdeny your (elves, your works, your wayes, and take up Chrifis eroffe ? As Chriff lith moo" z of John Baptifi, Among them that are born of worsen there bath z r. not beer ugreater then John the Baptift ; to may J fay of bonds and of vows and covenants. Among all the vows stud cove- nants that ever were made, there bath not been a greater then this of Baptiline : And therefore ye had bell look to the per- forming of what ve then vowed : If ye do not, ye arc grievous breakers of covenant wick God ; which finne will Purely Rand again(i you for evil. It is moll certain, that Baptif'tive- loth greatly bind us in confcience to walk anfwerably to it in all riahte-