Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

-- !1 treatife of Confciencc, among your felves ? So when there was corruption crept into the people of Galatia, St. Paul telleth them of their Baptifine : 0,43.17., As many of yea, i ith he, as have been baptized into Chrift have put an Chriif. As if he had laid, This corruption of yours is contrarie to your Baptifine , Te were baptized into Chrift, and yee have vowed to put on Chrift ; and do yee yield to fuck corruptions us thefe? So alto when there was want of love and unitie and affection between one another among the Ephe- aphe(ot flans , St. Paul telleth them of their Baptifine : O faith he, There is one Ged, one faith, one baptiJima. As if he fliouid fay, This is contrarie to your Baptifine : Te were all baptized with one baptifine ; and do not yee live in peace ? and is there not I auntie of fpirit one with another among you? What ? and were all baptized with ene Baptifine? Beloved , ye never do that which is not good but ye go clean contrarie to your Baptifine. What? were ye baptized into Chrift, anddo thus ? Baptized in- tcr Chrift and pray thus ? Baptized into Chrifl, and beare the word of Chrift thus ? Serve God no better then thus ? Your Baptilme bindeth you in confcience againft every fume and every evil way : O let us take it to heart and confider it. FINIS.