4-44,4444.4.444,144444444) To the Reader. od made man (as all things elfe) for him - [elf, Gods glory is the end for which man was made; the fruition of God a the hap - pineffe to which he was appointed; that he might be fubfervient to this end, and obtain this happineße, he bestowed on him a reafonalle foul, confuting of an underftanding d a will, that by the one be might contemplate and behold trie beauty of the Lord,by the other he might embrace him. The underftand- ing as the eye of the foul to di[corn truth,the will as the feet of the foul to carry it to good. The understanding i t hough furnifhed with excellent knowledge in things naturali) mas chiefly enriched with the knowledge of God the firfl Truth ; thewill (though let out to the desire of good mum rail) was efpecially enamored with God the chtefeft g'od ; and whalefi thefe faculties continued in chofe pofrures man continued in the happy and holy condition of has prim xve creation ; the corruption and mtfery of the foul i-he av r- fion of thefe faculties from this oljeil, the co, ruprion of the understanding, the ignorance of God ; the corruption of the will, the abhorring of God ; man lost not his facul- ties by his fall, but their integrity ; he kith an under ftand- ing thil, butin regard otheavenly things blinde and vain, quick- [ighted in other things, he hath a will frill, bat a- ver fe from God, andpurfuing with eagerneße things ter- ci1 3 rene ;