f B Treatife o)ethe Atreí`iions. Firlt, Implies a difeafe and dflemper : that they are dd- joyned from God, and that dcfßerarely. Secondly, Applies a medicine, a way to cure them, to bring them back, and place them upon their fir and right object,God, and things above. The firft he intimates to us in three things Firft, By calling them inordinate affelfions, and fuck as can never be fet right without they be mortifyed. Mortifie your earthly members, Fornication, Vncleanneffe, Inordinate affellion, &c. ver.5. He terms them inordinate and matter -' leffe affections, and he commands us to mortifie them. Secondly, By !hewing they are buried in the things of the World, and never can be railed up again, but only by the power of the refurrec ion of Chritt, Ifye be rifen With Chrif$, feek thofe things that are above, ver. r. Ye can never be able to make your affections Peek upwards, unleffe ye be rifen with Chrift. Thirdly, By fuppofing they are naturally (as Selamon faies of a fools wrath) as heavy as a float.; the affections are fo naturally, as heavy as a kone, which fats down to the earth, and cannot afcend, except it be heaved up : Set I your affellions on things above, and not on things on the earth. They naturally fagge downwards on things that are earth- ly, but let them not doe fo : no, heave them up, and fet them upon things that are heavenly, If you be rifen With Chrift. Thefe words are to be conftrued with all the exhortati- ons Saint Paul doth here give, If ye be rifen With Chrift, feek thole things that are above, If ye be rifen With Chrifl, let your affections on things that are above, If ye be rifen With Chrift, mortifie your earthly members, and your in- ordinate affections, &c. If ye be not rifen with Chrift, it is but a folly for me to bid you dothis, ye cannot morti- fie your affections, nor raife up your affections to God, ye cannot poffibly do this, except ye be rifen with Chrift. The point then is this, which I will handle by way of cohe- rence, 41 natural