Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

A Treati ;e of the Afeetions, 3 A natural man cannot fee his affeElions upon God, or upon DoFbr. things above: For our more intelligible proceeding in this Dodrine,as likewife in the whole treatife of the affections, which I delire to goe through : let me tell you, Firff, what the of eciions be. The afections are the forci- What the. ble and fenfble motions of the heart or the *ill, to a thino offe,tions or from a thing, according as it is apprehended to be good 1 e. or to be evill. There be four things to be confidered herein. Firft, The affellions are motions. They are the motions t of the heart. The motions of nne, faies Saint Paul, Rom.7.5. } onsffe. that is, the affections of fin, for fo it is in the original : fo that then are a mans affections let upon God, when the notions. heart bath its out- goings to God, and therefore the Scri- 7 4ea ptures call the affections the feet of the foul: for as the 77óv: body goes with its feet to that which it loves, fo the foul goes out with its affections to that which it loves. I thought upon my wales, andturned my feet unto thy teflimonies, Pfal. 119.59. that is, Iturned mine affeIions to thy Teflimo- nies : Look to thy feet when thou cornea into the houle of the Lord. I have refrained my foot from every evil way, Pfal.119.Ior. Their feet arefwift to fhed bloud, Rom.3.15. The Soul bath no other way to come at that which it loves, but only by its affections : can the muck worm bring his bags and his coffers to his Soul ? can the voluptuous man bring his dogges, and his hounds, and his bowls to his Soul ? No, though his Soul loves fuch vanities as thefe, it cannot move to them but only by its affections, Currasifimiles font t equis perrèicibus affellus, L 6 d= faies Lailantius. The affections are the Souls hones, that veto mine draw her as it were in a Coach to the thing that flue af- By(.,ith I fects : a man is moved by his affections. By Anger he Noah moves out to revenge : by Def :re he moves out to obtain : Waned of by Love he moves out to enjoy : by Pity he moves out to God mo. relieve : the affections are the motions of the Soul. When "d with fcr the unbeleeving Jews had an affection of envy at Saint Háb47. B 2 Paul,