4 2. The affe &ions are motions of the Will. Stoici vo. cant JAS. ye wan t1 cu,Acam ti 8n Srs yticiut in Epiefetum ATreßtie eftbe'Aeitiotsr. Paul, the Text (aies, They Were moved with Envy, Al. T7.5. fo the Soul of the godly is moved with affeftion to God. This is the firft thing, the affeftions are motions. Secondly, As the affeftions are motions, lb they are the motions of the Will. I know Ariftotle and molt ofour Di- vines too, doe place the affeftions in the fenfitive part of the Soul, and not in the will, becaufe they are to be Peen in the beat's. But this cannot be fo, for a mans affeftions do mol' (litre at a fhame or difgrace ; which could not be,if the affeftions were in the unreafonable fenfitive part : the unreafonable fenfitive part of a man is not fenfible of credit or ef'eem : call the delires of the appetite greedy and gluttonifh; the appetite is fenfelelfe of any difgrace, and therefore the affeftions mull needs be in the heart : the Scripture places the affeftions in the heart or the will. Beingoffeétionately defirousof you, We Were Willing. I The!. 2.8. Saint Paul couples his affeftions and his will together in one, and his affedion that he had to the Theffalonians, he feats in his will. How could the Apoftle command us to fet our affeftions on God, and the things that are above, if the affeftions were in the fenfitive and unreafonable part? cana man make his material f'omack to hunger af- ter God? or the thirlt of his fentitive appetite to thirft after Chrifi? alas the ,fentitive part is not capable of a command or precept. No, if the affeftions were only in the fenfitive and material part of the foul, then how could they be in the Angels ?' the good Angels bave affections, all the elfential parts of the affections, and fo have the bad. The good Angels,which things the Angels defire to look. into, 1 Pe. 1.12. The evil Angels or Devils,The Devils beleeve and tremble, Jam. 2. 19. I confeffe there be certain animal and a- nalogical affeftions that are in the fenfe : there's grief for torment, and fear to touch a ferpent or a toad; delight in meats that are pleafant, and hatred of them that are noyfome. But the Lord doth not call for thefe fenfitive pallions to be feated upon him and on heaven, they are feated