Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

A Treátife of tbé; Afeifions. I have fit mine affellion to the houfe of God, I Chron. 29.3. Thus ye fee when ht fets his affections to Gods houle, he l put to his forces the affefhons, are the forcible motions of the heart ; when a childe of God praies with affeelion he prayeth with force ; when he ffands for God with affe - lion, he !lands for him with force. 4. Fourthly, As the affeétions are the motions, and the for - They are cible motions of the will, fo they are the en sble motions too. the tent- f f ble moti. For the will flirs up the inferiour faculties of the Soul, and' ons of the they ftirre.up the humours and parts of the body, to make heart, the greater refiflance to' that which it difaffeles,or the grea ter embracement of that which it affecces. This is one.reafon why the affeftions are called paffions, i for they make the foul to fuffer,and the body to fuffer. The affeélìon of .Joy makes the fpleen for to fuffer, and anger makes the gall for to fuffer, and fear makes the heart for to fuffer; yea, the affelions make humours, blond, fpirits, members, even bones and all the body for to fuffer. Hence, it,is, when a man fets his affèftioxis upon Gtid, his fear, the- fear of Godmakes him tremble;_ his Love, the love of God makes him to Weep for his fins ; the flume of it that he fhould. difhonour his God,makes him to blush before Chrilt ; Grief for his fins many times dries up his moiJture and Zeal for his glory confumeth his felb: fo was it with the Pfalmifl,, when he was full of affeftions towards God, and law how men did'difobey his Commandments,fee what fenfible mo- tions were in him. Aline eyes out With rivers of Waters, becaufe men keep not thy Law, Pfalm. t 19.139, Ezra was fo affe&ionate for God, that knowing how the people tranf- . greffed, it made the colour to come in, his face, and to bluff before heaven, Ezr.9.6. as Demetrius blufht for his father Philips offences ; the Orator that pleaded King Philips de- fence, did not doe him fo much fervice, as thebiufhing of Demetrius his fonne. This was the effel of his.affelion to his Father,. it (hewed it Pelf in his blufhing for the offences. 1 of his Father: Thus the affeftions are the lenfible motions AFifthly ofthe Will.