Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

ATreatifëofthe A,(feetions. 1.7 Fifthly and lafily, They are fuch fenfible motions as are 5. according to the apprehenf on of good & evil. For when there They are is but (mall apprehenfion of good evil, the affeCtions are filch moti weak, and may hardly work on the body at all but when O rs y ; according there is a great apprehenfion of either, not only the foul is to the ap deeply affected, but alto the body is mightily compatible. prchen. Nay,if the apprehenfion be deep indeed,the affections break Gon of Out into raptures,as dancing(and leapings of the heart, Which good or are the raptures: of joy: ravi/hnsents andenatnorings, which cod. are the raptures of love ; meltings and bleedings, and break- ing: offpirit,which are the raptures of grief; of }onifhments, amazements, which are the raptures of fear; confufion and the like, which are the raptures of fhame; the affections burl} forth into fuch raptures asthefe, when the appre- henfion is deep. Ólefernee his eyes were ravifht with the Iudrtó flippers of yudith, becaufe he was deeply in love with her : .6.9. Jacob fhooken alma} dead at the fight of his fons bloudy Gen.37. coat, becaufe he was deeply affef}edthereat, The Roman Senate were affrighted with the fight of the`Cartháginian green figges, that Caro did fhew them : fuch raptures have the Saints very often in their prayers to God, being helpt With fighs andgroans that cannot be uttered, Rom.8 a6. be- caufe .they have a deep apprehenfion of the corruption that is in them. This ye fee what the affections be, they are for - eible andf ufible motions of eheWill, to a thing or from a thing, according as it is apprehended to be evil or to be good. Reafons. In the next place let me Phew that a carnalman cannot let ThAf}e. there his affections upon God or upon Grace, which rüay :ìions are appear by Reafons. the mop Fir Ajfetlúr fungi ala anima, as the Proverb goes, 7"hé of she Cod Aì 'eilions are the Wings of the foul. If the birds wings be n lime - twig'd and glued to the ground, the cannot fly up; ed JgaiA- now a carnal man his affections are glued and lime - twig'd leone, à to the things of the world, or the things of this life; arid Y,s'°' rr therefore it isimpoflible he fhoul`d Hie up unto Godái reale nenv'stm' in the life of good 4nfelm, walking in the fields he faw a EFtlterura fhepherds enl<lwas.