They are the Incli- nations of the Soul. ATreatije of the AeEtionso fhepherds boy that had taken a bird, and tyed a (lone to her legge, and as the bird would be offering to mount, the (lone pulled her down;fhe had loch a weight on her leg,fhe could not fly up : this good father fell a weeping, to confi- der, that fo it was with men, carnal men ; though perhaps they think to The up to God by many good purpofes, they are Hill born down with their 6nnes, their affeftions are clog'd, fecurity, deadneffe of heart, felf- love, and love of the things here below, like milflones made fall to their heels, their affeftions cannot mount up to God. Haft thou more affeltion to a game then a Sermon ? more affeftion to fit drinking in Ale - houles, then to be reproved for thy fins ? more affellion to a good booty, then a good duty ? alas ! I how canfl thou let thine affections upon God ? thine affe- (lions are earthly affeftions, and therefore they cannot be placed upon God, Rom.i .z6. there reade of vile affeftions. God gave up the Heathen to bale and vile affeftions : fo thefe are bafe and vile, and carnal affeftions, that thou art given unto : thine affeftions are malice, and envy, and re- venge, which cannot be fet upon God : they are worldly fears, and worldly forrows, and worldly joys, and worldly pleafures, and worldly delights, thefe are thine affeftions, thefe cannever,be placed upon God. They are :vile affelti- ons, too bate and difhonourabie to God. Thine affeftions are lime- twig'd by Satan, they cannot fore up unto God. This is the firfl reafon, why a carnal man cannot let his af= feftions upon God, becaufe his affeftions, which are the wings of his foul, are glued to the earth. Secondly, Affel7ns fuser inclinativies anima, The affeîfi- ens are the inclinations of the Soul: as a man is affefted fo he is inclined ; and therefore the affeftions in Scripture are cal- led the bent of the foul, My people are bent to backjliding from me,Hof r 1.7.that is,their affeftions to me are unitable, unconftant and fickle. How flandsfuch a, one bent ? as we fay ; that is, how (lands he affef}ed ? A man is bent to that which his affections are on ; now then is it poflible that a carnal