d Treatife of the Affettions, 9 carnal man fhould let his affedions on God, when his heart does not Band bent uhto God ? the muck worm, his heart (lands bent to the world, the voluptuous his heart (lands bent to his pleafures; the proud man, his heart Rands bent to get credit and be well thought on; the na- tural man flands bent to be carnal and earthy, and how can fuch men let their affections on God, when their hearts iland that way bent ? are thy affedions bent ? that way that thy bent goes, that way do thine affedions go: Thou art merry and jocond, and joyful to day, tell me what is it for? is it becaufe God is glorified by thee ? No, No, thy mirth and thy joy (land otherwife bent.Thou hall been an- gry and revengeful, what was it for ? was it becaufe God is difhonoured, and thy lulls have be:n violent? Alas no, thy anger and thy wrath ftand otherwife bent : thine affedions are the bent and inclinations of thy heart, and therefore if thou be inclined to things that are earthy,thou canfi not place thine affedions upon God ; nothing can go againfl its own bent and inclination, unleffe by the omni- potent power of the Spirit of Chrift. David knew this well enough, that his affedions could never be to God and his righteoufneffe, if his heart did not that way (land bent ; and therefore he praies God, Incline not my heart to any evil thing, Pfal.t 41.4. Let not mine affeiions he on any e- vil thing, for then I íhould be that way inclined. This is the fecond reafon why a carnal men cannot let his affections upon God, becaufe the affedions of the heart are the bent of the heart. Thirdly, .APïttsPunt pafones anima, faies Damafcen, The afeliions are the pafons of the Soul. When the heart is affected with a thing, it lets in that thing, and it fullers a change by that thing; when a man is affectled with anger at a wrong or an injury, we fay he is in a paffion; that is, he lets in the wrong,.and there does his heart bite upon the wrong, and chafeat it ; thus he is paffionate: When a man 3. They are the pafíi ons of the Soul. Elias was fubjed to like paffi ons as we are.Jam y. t7 That is, fubjett to like al- ts affected with love to a pleafure, he lets in the pleafure, with (lions ùs, C and