A Treatie of the A, feaions. xi dothfuffer its affections. The affections do alter the heart, but a carnal heart will not be altered by the word, nor by Chritt nor fuller his graces to enter. Fourthly, Put the cafe a man fet himfelf wrong, Afeîitu font perturbationer anima, The afeilions are the perturb9ti- ons of the Soul; if once they go wrong, and the reins be laid on their necks, they are like Wilde !lodes to the foul, to carry her whether the would not ; they are the diftur- bers of judgement, and violent tyrants over the foul, they make a man walk as they liti; and therefore the Apoftle cals them, the lulus of concupifeence, *herein a man walls, t Thef.4.5. iñ the original it is the affeflionr of concupifcence, they are cruel and matterlefie mifleaders of a man ; now a carnal man, his affeFtions are fuch, they are difturbances and perturbations unto him, they will fo trouble him, and tofïe him up and down, from luft unto lull, from fm unto finne, that he (hall never be able that is carnal, to fet them upon God. lamblychtu cals them the nayls of the foul, whereby it's nayled to the things of the body ; would a carnal man repent? alas I his affections difturb him; would he pray and hold out in that duty? his affections are impor- tunate to be otherwife occupyed; would he exhort and reprove, and be rebuking his neighbour for finning againft God ? his affèftions they are agam(t it, he is afhamed for to doe it, he is afraid he Tail have a flout for his labour; would he forfake his coveteoufneffe anddrunkenneffe and company ? O his aflidtions are fo thong to them, that he is not able to draw his heart from them. The very Heathen brings in all the world thus fpeaking of themfelves, nitimur in vetitúrnfemper cupimufque negata, fo headitrong are the affe lions when they are wrong : as Medea in the Poet, vi- deo meliora proboque, the faw the good and the liked the goód, but her affeffions tranfported her quite to the con - trary; thus it was with Herod the king : when he heard there was another king of the Jews born in the world, and that Wife men from the Eaft were come for to doe homage C a to 4, They are the perrur battons of the foul,