Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

14 A Trestife of the Affetlions, "affeftions ; but alas 1 this would never bring you to faith and repentance with power : this might tickle your hearts peradventure a little but not foundly comfort you. The fecond is, when the affections are wrought on fo far, that the heart is fomewhat touched therewith. As a man when his affeftions are moved with any, at a difgraceful word,he faith, this toucheth me indeed. WhenGod turned the af- fedions of Ifrael untoSaul, indeed fome of them had no afeftion to Sail, Row hall this man lave vas ? fay they, they defpifed him in their hearts, but God turned the affeftions of the reft upon Saul, for to follow him : The Text faies ofthem, The Lord bath touched their hearts, I Sam.l0.26. That is, he let their affeftions upon Saul, that they might follow Saul up and down. As when the Needle is touched with the Loadftone, then it will turn it felfprefently to the North ; their affeftions were touched, and therefore they followed after Saul. So many men, their affeftions are touched at a Sermon ; their affeftions are not only allu- red, but receive a touch from the Word there is fome vertue goes out of the Word, as fome went from Chrift to the Woman that had but a touch of his garment ; fo their affeftions have but a touch from the Word, and fome ver- tue goes to them, for, the affeftions are termed the touch of the heart. It's good for a man not to touch a woman, t Cor 7.i. That is, not to fet an amorous affeftion of the heart upon a woman. Thus farre a wicked mans affefti- ons may be to the Word, they may be touched by the Word. ;. The third is, When the affeftions are wrought on fo far, The bean That the heart is fomewhat'bowed thereby ; this is another ES fome_ degree of working on the affeftions, to bow the affeftions, what bowed as ye may reade ; David bowed the heart of all the men of by them. Judah, even as the heart of one man, z Sam. 19.14. -that is, by his kinde fpeeches, and friendly meffage he Pent, he in- clined and bowed their affettioais unto him. So a ricked man may have his affeftions bowed unto good, whereas his