i6 I ATreatife of the Apiions. 6. The heart is overtur. ned from was be- fore, Job.rato ger of blond purfue the (layer, while his heart is hot, Deu 16 6. While his heart is hot, that is while he is in the heat of his paffìon, while his anger and the affections of revenge are hot : the affeftions may be railed fo high, that they may let the heart in a heat upon a thing which it afte s, So a carnal man may have his affeftions heated and inflamed to- wards God and towards grace. Saul had a great zeal to Gods Church, 2 Sam. z1. z. lehu was zealous for God, Come with me ( faies he ) and fee my zeal for the Lord, 2 Kin 10.16. Zeal is the heat of all the affeftions, and thereforc Iehn was heated in all his affeftions for God ; his affeftions were hot to root out Idolaters, his affe &ions were hot to cut off Gods enemies, and to reform abundance of finful abufes in theKingdom: he was zealous, his affeftions were heated towards God, and yet Iehu was no better then a carnal man for all that. Thus farre may a carnal mans affeftions be wrought on for grace ; and this is no argument that he bath fet his affèEtions upon God as (hall afterwards appear. Therefore there be four further degrees which are only to be found in the godly. The fixth then is, The affeftions may be wrought on fo far, that the heart is quite overturned from that it Was before; I fay the affeftions may be wrought on fo far, that the heart may be turned upfidedown by them. So it was with the godly ; they were even overwhelmed in affeftions for God with the fear of the Lord, and their hearts turned upfide down with grief for their Pinnes, Behold O Lord, for I am in diftreffe, my bowels are troubled, my heart is turned Within me, for I have grievou fly rebelled, Lam, a.2o. Her foul was even battered with affeftions of repentance and humiliation ; her foul was difireffed with terrours ; her bowels were trou- bled and contrafted with fears, and her heart was turned upfide down with forrows, and all for her fins, for I have grievoufly rebelled, faies die. No wicked man under Hea- ven had his affeftions ever fo wrought on,that was not con- verted upon it. As Job faies of his birth, He Was curdled like Cheefe :