A Treatif of the Affections, Chafe : fo herein the fecond birth, her heart was curdled like Cheefe, &c. My heart is turned in me, faies the. This is a higher working on the affedions, then any carnal man bath. The feventh is, The affedions may be wrought on fo far, that the heart be engaged for God. As a womans affedi- The heart ons towards a man may be fo deep, as that fhe engageth is engaged her heart unto that man, and refolves to have none o- for God, they husband but him. So when the affedions are fo deep in love with grace and with Chrift, that the heart is once engaged for Chrift, to be a widow for ever, unlefhe he will be pleafed to count her his Spoufe : the world fhall never have her heart more, the flefh fhall never have her heart more, nor devil, nor luft, nor any other fin (hall ever have her heart more, the is fo farre in love and affeftion with Chrift, as her heart is engaged for Chrift, this is a godly foul. Who is this that engageth his heart to approach unto me ? faith the Lord, 9er.3o.2z.Ifpleafure come, Paying, Pet thine affedions on me; no, faies the heart, mine affedions are engaged already ; if her old lufts, and her old lovers, and her old acquaintance come, faying, fet your affedions on us; no, faies the heart, lam engaged for another, even for Chrift and his graces : this is a deep working on the affedi- ons indeed, when they are engaged for Chrift, The eighth is, The affedions may be wrought on fo far, g, that the heart may be glued to a thing by them. Iamblycheu the The heart heathen hath a pretty phrafe to this purpofe : a wicked man is glued he cals him 4.11/2,11/2 4 4 ruffs irmOvpcícus, bound in and nayled b°} the ing in his affections, he is, even nayled and glued to the things Devi,; of the world, his heart does even flick to them like pitch Pytbag. and Tarr to the Ship. So it is with a godly foul, his heart flicks faft unto Chrift, and the commandments of Chrift. I have flack/onto thy Teflimoniee, faies David to Chrift, Pfa. 119.31, How came his heart to (tick to Chrifts teftimonies ? His holy affedions were the glue, his affedions clave to Gods Law. D The