18 A Treatife of the A f fedions. The heart The ninth is, The affections may be wrought on fo far, is quite that the heart may be quite given up to the thing Which it af- given up feu s. Solomon had fuck affedions to wifedom that he gave to that his heart to feekit, EccI. r 13. As we ufe to fay, he bath m which t heart, what can he have more ? all mine affedions are fet on him, if he have my heart and all. So a godly heart is fo deeply affefed with Chrift and his righteoufneffe, as that Chrift bath his very heart and all. He gives up all that he bath unto Chrift. It's true, no wicked man, in the earth. bath his affections thus farre wrought on : but it is marvel- lous to think how far a mans affedions may be wrought on The affo. for Chrift, and yet be a carnal man. It's proved already, he âion may cannot fet his affections on Chrift, but he may raife up be thus his affedions a good way towards Chrift, and now I will railed. prove it. Firft, the ignicles and embers of right reafon, that God bath By the made natural to his heart, may regulate his affedions to be fparks of chaff, and fober, and kinde, and liberal, and juft, and mo -_ right rea rall humble, and patient, and merciful,& c, and to obferve fon that the thins contained in the Law. Natural reafon directs regulate g the affeâi men to love their parents and their children, and one ano- cans. ther : thus the very Heathen themfelves guided their affe &ions with Religion as it were, the verrues of morality Lib.t.Etb, faies Ariflotle, they doe .¡OQi5XHV t -claw v gais sru oi, They cap 6, finde out a Medium or a golden mean in the affedions, and hold them unto it. And therefore S. Paul knoweth thus much, and how that Tome of the Heathen were fo wicked, that they would put out the light of their own reafon, and be drunk and luflful, and proud, and mercileffe, and difo- bedient to parents, he condemns them efpecially for this that they were without underffanding, and Without natural affellion, Rom i ; r. that is, becaufe they put out that na- tural reafon, and that natural affe &ion that were in them. Becaufe their affedions might have been naturally fet upon thofe things. Their very natural reafon might have ruled their affedions, and fet them upon vertues of morality. So that