Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

ATreatife of the Afeitions, that thus farre thou maift go, and yet be a carnalift, thine affections may run to be civil, and morally honefl, and the like natural reafon may raife up thine affeftions from drun- kenneffe and tuft, and from natural injuflice, and from fwearing and lying, and filthineffe offpeaking, and the like. I fay, natural reafon may raife up thine affections from thefe. Indeed it may be thine affections are violent and greedy, and fenfual to tempt thee to Tome of thefe firmes, but natural reafon may take them off from fuck fìnnes as thefe. Are time affections fo vile as to follow thy blow - zing and thy companykeeping? we need not quote Scri- pture to convince thee : thy material ftomack cries out it is a finne, for it grumbles at it. Thine eyes and thy legges, and thy heels cry out, its a finne; for they doe betray it. Look upon thy purfe, it cries agamft thee, for it thou haft emptied. Look upon thy Children, and thy Wife, they cry againft it, for them thou hall beggard. Look upon thy fields and thy land, and thy inheritance, they cry againft it, for them thou haft morgaged and impaired. Look upon the ftinking dunghil, it bids thee hold thy noftrils at the flinkingnefle of this finne, for there is thy fpewing and thy vomiting, and fo of the reft of thefe finnes: natural reafon may eafily raife up thine affections from thefe. Which if thou haft done already, and art civil and moral, thou art yet gone no further then a Naturian may go.Thou main do that, and yet be a Carnalifl. Secondly, Becaufe thou haft more means then the means of bare nature, thy knowledge out of the word, may raife up thy afellions exceedingly : knowledge may awe the heart, and move it with the affection of fears, that it go not againft its own knowledge. Rerodfeared John, knowing that hevow a jug man. Mar.6.zo. Herod bis affection was flirted with fear at the hearing of Iohn ; why ? he knew he was a good man, and he knew it was jufl as he preached ; he knew it was Gods Word. And therefore he feared,not to obey him, he was afraid to go againft him. Nay, his affections were D z more By know. (edge out of the word that caddi up the fft i. on.