Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

zo I ATreatife of the Affeetions, more raifed then fo ; he heard John gladly and did many things, He was affected with joy at his Sermons, and his affections were wrought onto break out into aft, and to doe many things. I do not reade he ¡truck at any thing but only his darling corruption. His affe Lions were fo wrought on, that it fbould feem he reformed many fins in his Court and many of his Courtiers ; he began to Pet up fome wor- ¡hip of God in his Palace. All this was by reafon of know- ledge ; he knew Iohn was a good Preacher, he knew he preached the truth, and the truth overpowred his affefti- ons. Now he had no fuch elbow-room for to finne, as he had in his ignorance. Now he fears to do many finnes that before he feared not, why ? becaufe his knowledge was en- lightned. This is no argument that thou art a childe of God, becaufe thou reformed many things: Alas thy know- ledgeis convinced thou muff fo : the very devil himfelfwas overpowred by his knowledge ; when the devil knew Chrift was Chrift-, he could not but confeffe, We know, thee who thou art, the holy one of God. Mar. I. a4. Happily thou feareft to go flatly againft the Sermons thou heareft, thou feareft to live fo bad as thou didit ; happily thou rejoyceft to hear the Bell ring to a Sermon, and art glad to hear the preaching of a Minilter; happily thine affections are fo wrought on, that thou art moved to do many things, not to fuffer filch potting and cupping in thy houfe as thou u- fecal, not to endure fuch diforders in thy family as thou wert wont ; alas 1 alas I this is good yet ; and O that others were proficients thus farre, this is further then many doe go, but this thou mayft doe, and yet be a Carnaliff. Thou knoweff this is the truth of God, and this ftirres thine affe- ftions a little. a. Thirdly, God may be, he bath quickned thy knowledge a By knovr- little, and quickned thy con /cience, and made it tell thee the ledge and horrour of thy fins, and this may ralle up thine affections confcience many fleps higher ; not only to mourn for thy finnes, and quickned. be full of the affections of forrow, but alto to goe mourn- fully