Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

ATreatife of the Aficeaions: 2t fully and fadly up and down,to pull down thy proud looks, to take on lamentably, becaufe of thy former iniquities. As Ahab, Thus the word made Ahab rend the very clothes off his back, and fling off his royal robes, and put on lack- cloth in their room,it made him have no minde to his meat, but to fait, yea, to go foftly too, faies the Text : z King. 21.27. When Ahab heard theft Words, he tore of his clothes; he akflained from his meat, and Went [of ¡y. Ambulabat dc- mi ffa capite; that is, he didnot goe fo proudly up and down Etnc/fro, with fuch a carere in the ftreets, as before : No, he hung down his looks, he went fadly and foftly up and down as he went. Thus farre too thou maift go in railing thine af- fections, and yet be a Carnalift. Thou maift be fmitten in thy foul for thy fins, as to go foftly and fadly, and mourn- fully up and down, to have little luft to eat thy meat for thinking of thy finnes, to go poorly and meanly, and have little minds- -to go bravely : I fay, thine affeaions may be fo quickned, as to go fadly all along as-thou goefi, fo that all that knew thee before may wonder ; good Lord, what ails yonder man, how is he changed ? he was a Ruffian, a Roylter, and who but he the other day ? what's the mat- ter with him ? he goes fo fadly up and down, and fo pen - lively along. But why do I fpeak againft thee, when there be few that are a quarter fo well affected as thou? but alas ! I tell thee, thou mayft go thus far, and be thus deeply af- fefted, and yet be a Carnalift: Fourthly, a deep apprehenfion andfenfe of the horror of thine Owe : this may winde up thine affeCions many Reps high - By a deep er ; thou mayft be afraid to be damned, and afraid of the arpre!-en. ann of the harrow- of he.re- ffate. judgements of God, and this may fetch tears from thine eyes, fighs and groans from thy heart. This may even melt thy affecttions into weepings, and abundance of weepings for the finnes thou haft done, and yet be a Carnalift. The Prophet brings in the carnal Iews fo doing, This' have y:áú done again, covering the Altar of God With tears, With Weer ins- and crying out; infomuch that he regardeth notthe of. D ; fering