Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

A Treatif 'eof tbe Afeaion,r. I 21 Fir'', It rhayfcrwe up his of ellionsfo high, that he may be Which loth to commit finite : peradventure he does often commit; may Fitil, a it but fain would he leave it. O he is unwilling to do it manebe loth to he wifhes affectionately, O Ltrd, how íhall I leave it ? Ò that I might leave it : yea, he Peeks fome means for to leave it ; he does it I confeffe, but fain would he not doe it ; his affections may be wrought upon thus far,and yet be a Car - nalift. Such an one was Darien, he had made a Decree and writ it, and figned it, and fealed it. Well, Daniel would not doe according to the tenor of the Decree : and there- fore the Decree was, he íhould be caft into the Lyons Den. The King did caft him in indeed, but lo, how unwilling he was to commit this finne : He fatted, he waked, he could not fleep a winks fleep ; he wifht, O that I might fafely deliver him 1 O that thy God, O Daniel, would de- liver thee True, he thought I mutt needs now do this fin; alas my Decree, and what may the Lords think of me ? If I fhould not doe it, all the Countrey would think me too blame,nay,theywould rebel agáinft me outright,for break- ing the Laws of the Medes and the Perf :yens. Alas 1 I mutt do it; but it appears though, how unwilling he was for to do it, he could neither eat,nor fleep, nor be merry, nor qui- et, till he might hear Daniel was fafe. Many a King but a quarter as great as he,would have fcorned to have troubled his thoughts about fuch á Puritane as Daniel was eíleemed to be : nay, he rifes early in the morning, before the time Was expired, he runs in all poft to the dense of Lyons, and there he cries lamentably, O Daniel ,thon fery ant of the living God: O Daniel, he fcreecht it out dolefully ; and when he heard that Daniel was alive, he rejoyced exceedingly, Dan. 643. Thefe fubfequent circumftances thew how unwilling he was in the punifhment of committing the fin, if he could . have helpt it, and faved his honour with his Lords and his Nobles. Thus hé was unwilling to commit the fiu, yet a wretched man for all that. Men imagine they have a good Chriftian plea,when they can fay this for themfelves ; it's true, commit thine, nvitur ct,1s F.e ,- idinth: a;,om.dy,