Z4 I A Treatije of the Aft-lions. true, I doe rap out an oath in my choler, I doe pray coldly and with many by- thoughts, but God knows I am unwil ling to doe fo, I would very fain have it otherwife.; I am forry I am drawn fo away.,Alas 1 fo thou maya be and yet . be a Carnalift : thou mayft pray, and be unwilling to pray careleily, thou mayft repent in fome manner, and be lorry thou repenteft no more ; thou mayft be loth to commit an offence, and yet be a meer natural man, no jot of faxing grace in thee.Was not Pilate fenfibly unwilling to condemn Iefus Chrifi ? Was not Herod unwilling to behead lohn the Baptift ? it fpoiled all his mirth at his feaft, that he was com- pelled for to do it, for fo he counted it a compulfion, other - wife he would not have done it : was not Saul unwilling to tranfgreffe the commandment of the Lord ? He forced himfelf; he had abundance of gain - fayings in his heart, a- bundance of wiftles in his breaft, O I would not doe it, I would to God I were not put upon fuch importunate cir- cumftances as I am, fain would I not do it ; he forced him- felf, there was a kinde of pitcht field in his bofome, a battel in his foul : fain would he doe it, that way went his Tufts ; fain would he not do it, that way went his confcience : So he forced himfelf, i Sam.' 3.' 3.and yet God did reject him. Thus felf -love may winde up a mans affections exceedingly, to be loth to commit a fin. Secondly, It may fo draw up ones ajfeElians to God, as to make one vomit up a dear fnne ones felf, and be lorry that o- thers too fhould commit it ; he may be vext to fee other men drunk, vext to fee them break the Sabbath, vext to fee how flack they come to Gods houle, vext to hear any body and be ,fwear,or, curfe, or take on: he may be driven to make refti- lorry that 'tution himfelf. Thus it was with Micah, he had ¡Men a i a. th:rs hundred Shekels of filver from his Mother; well, this man, Donald PP commitit, as it appears, hears his Mother curie, andfwear, and take on, the had loll fo much filver, fome body had ftolen it from her; when he heard his Mother curfe and ban on this fafhi- on, he was fo deeply moved to hear it, that he could not abide And vo. mit up a dear fin, commit. tea by him Cell