Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

ATreatiTe of the 4 fe5tions. abide it : nay, it made him be willing to confeffe he had ftolen it from her, and to make reflitution of all, yea, fo far as his mother did think, O what a bleffed convert was her fon ! he was now converted to be of fo honeft a minde. Bleffed be thou of the Lord my fon, fai s his Mother. He Paid unto his Mother, The eleven hundred Jbekejs o river that Were taken from thee, about Which thoucurfed.1t, and fpakefl of alfo in mine ears, behold, the flyer is With me, I took,it : and his Mother Paid, Bided f be thou of the Lord, my fon, He had ftolen the filver from his Mother, and yet when he heard his Mother curie and fwear, and take on in that wife, it fhould feem his affeaions did burn him. What,thallI hear my Mother curie in this fort ? and rather then he would let her nand (wearing and curfing, he would vomit up his Tweet gettings. Nay, the thought him fo religious as paffes, bécaufe he did fo. Bleffed be thou of the Lord, my fon: but the was deceived, for he was a wretched Ido- later ; the Lord cals him an Idolater, verf. S. Beloved, this is a ftrange thing indeed ; yet thus far may a Carnalift go : he may be zealous againft other mens fins, and grieved to hear others tranfgrefs, and vext to fee others offend. When David would fin and number the people, it vexed the foul of Ioab to fee it. O my Lord the King, Why Wilt thou be a caufeoftre(affeto,Ifrael? I Chron.ai.3. So thou mayftbe vexed to fee others offended, and yet notwithaanding no better then a Carnalift. Thirdly, It may fo raife up his afetlions to God, and to be fo let againft fin, as to be willing to lofe hopes of getting houfefuls of filver and gold, to lofe the favour of Kings and of Princes, to lofe preferment and all, then venture on a finne. This was Balaams cafe, If Balak Would give me his houfe fall of filver andgold, I cannot go beyond the command- ment of God to doe leIfe or more. Numb. 24.13. He durft not go beyond the commandment of God a ¡or, no, not for a houle full of money, which is more then a thoufand can fay, that will go beyond it, and betide it, and againll the E commandment And not dire to venture upon 3lin, though he lofe by it.