4 And ro be forward in Religi on, run LO perfecuti. on, 4 Treatife oft be.Affeitions. commandment of God for a handful of Barley, yet he though a Reprobate, durft not go. beyond the, command- ment of God to doe good or bad of his own minde, not for a houfe full of coyn. Knoweft thou not, faies King Balak. unto him, knoweft thou not that I can promote thee to ho- nour ? yea, he knew it well enough, and yet for all that Balaamwould not yeeld to him. Balaam, if he would have hearkned to carnal arguments, he might have found many. The Ifraelites are a people of another Nation. I am a Moa- bite, and they are of another generation : and what though they be better people -then they, yet I am a SubjeeI to the King of Moab, and I muff be true to my Soveraign, and count them mine enemies which are the enemies of my Countrey, and are come to lick up the land. If I do obey my King, I may have money by houfefuls, I may have pre- ferment as much and more then I can wifh. Thus flefh and bloud might have reafoned ; but fee how his affeftions were better reftifyed then thus ; he durft not doe it upon any terms, becaufe it was againft the commandment of God. Thou thinkeft thy caufe to be happy, O thou canft be willing to paffe by the wages of fin, though thou could - eft get by a fin, yet thou dareft not commit it : thou think - eft certainly mine affeflions are to God and to grace. I might get this, and I might get that, if I would butgoe a_ gainft my confcience a little, but I will not for money, nor i favour, nor any thing Well Paid yet ; better then milli- ons can fay : but this thou mayft doe, and yet be a Car - nalift. Fourthly, It may elevate his of eElions fo high, as to be fo forward in religion andgodlineffe : fo aria in his waies, as to be perfecuted too for the truths fake, and for Chats fake : he may endure perfecution a good while : indeed if it go too far, he will warp : but perfecuted he may be, and fuffèr a good while hemay, and yet bea carnal man. This you may fee in theftony- ground hearer, He heareth the YYord and receives it With joy, Mat. r 3.20. Mark, his affieftions are