A Treati of the Aec`tions. \ 27 are raifed, he receives the Word and the Gofpelwith joy, he is affected with the Word, nay, faies our Saviour, he endureth a While, and perfecution arifis against him, then he is offended, ver. ai . Its true, he is offended at this, that he fhould fuffer perfecution ; he would be glad to be a pro - felfour of the Word, fo he might profeffe it in a whole skin, as we fay : he does, and he will warp then, that's certain : that's all one ; nevertheleffe ye may obferve in the mean time what a great way he goes in religion, he trades fo farre in it, that Others will perfecute him for it, and yet but a carnal may. for all that. Now of the good ground. I Fifthly, It may lift up his affèftions fo high, ah to ravá/h ' nd co be him and enamour him With joys of the Spirit, He may be in fome extafies of fpiritual joy : as many examples might be wicó the named. Were not the Galathians enamoured with the Go- loysofthe fpel that would have pluckt out their eyes and given them to Spirit. Paul ? were not the people over - joyed, when they cryed out in the open Congregation, Lord, evermore give its this bread : O then, fetyour ajfellions, &c. 44,,, t,, 4,S,A,.4.4 A:,4,..4-,3344464 4,44 The II t. Sermon. Colof. 3.a. Set yourafellions on things that are above, &c. lt,'He tail thing that I told you was, what a great way a carnal man may goe in this point. His affections may be wrought on exceedingly. I promifed to thew you that this was no argument that his affections are Ea fet