di Treat f of the Af feíiions. fer upon God, The Apoffle does not fay,let the things that i I are above work on your affections, for fo they may do, and ye be carnal for all that ; but he faies, Set your affeltion., on ! thing which are above. Reafons There be four reafons to prove, though a carnal mans af- fections be fo wrought on as ye have heard, that they are 4' not rightly wrought on. The Cat. s. Firft, Becaufe they are not kindely wrought on. They are 1 al mans chafed and heated very much, but they are not kindely area; wrought on. The affections mull be kindely wrought on, are not otherwife they are not wrought on aright; they may be kindely violently and paffionately wrought on,there may be a great i wrought deal of pudderwrought in the affections, but never are they on. rightly wrought on, unleffe they be wrought upon kinde- ly. Be kindely affef Toned one to another with brotherly love, faies St Paul, Rom. 12.10. The Galatians that would have pluckt out their eyes for Saint Paul, they were ftrongly af- fected with Saint Paul, but they were not kindely affefted. If they had been kindely affected with him or his Doctrine, they would not have hearkned to falle Apollles, as they did. A carnal man, natural reafon, and knowledge out of the Word may work on his affections, his confcience, and Pelf love, whereby he is loth to be damned, and glad to be fa-. ved when he dies, thefe may work on his affeftions, and caufe him to weep for his fins, and give over many corrupti- ons, and to be ftrongly of ded, but alas he is not kindely affefted. It's only the love of God flied abroad in the heart that kindely affects one. But it's Pelf -love, and not love of' the Lord Jefus that affeL-ls him : he is not kindely af- feeted. Thcyare x. Secondly, A carnal mans affections are not judicioufly wrought on. They are wrought on. in a fit at it, but they d not ouflnd are not wrought on with judgement,they have not the true wrought beginning of working, which is found judgement. S. Hie - on, rom faies of the affecìionsof Chrifl, refjellu Chrifti femper feyuuntur rationem, Chrills affections had alwaies the right beginning.