ATreatife of the AP-Hons. I 29 beginning, which was true reafon and judgement. And therefore S. Matthew notes efpecially the beginning of his forrow, He began to be forrowful and very heavy, Mat.26.37. He had a right beginning of it. The natural beginning of the affeftions is this, when the judgement is firff poyfed, and the heart is firff fired, this is the natural beginning of the affeftions. So that the heart mutt firft be wrought on, and the fpirit moved, before the affeftions can be judici- oufly wronght on. And therefore faies S. Iohn, Chriff trou- bled himfelf. Ile groaned in fpirie, and he troubled himfelf, Joh.t 1.33. He was exceedingly affefted with forrow for Lazarus his death, and his kinsfolks forrows and diffruffs they were in,and he troubled himfelf:we tranllate it,he was troubled, but in the original it is, i eq `v áuvóv, he trou- bled himfelf,his own judgement,and his fpirit,and his heart flirted up his affeftions to be troubled.His affeftions were wrought on judicioufly. A carnal mans affections though they be much wrought on, yet they are not wrought on judicioufly. Now he is inthe minde to be ftrift and to be godly, now he weeps and takes on, can ye wonder ? his confcience now jerks him, and is quick : but when a few tears and a few labours and endeavours that way have con- tented his confcience, as his confcience is apt to be fatisfied, the man is of another judgement then quickly. He is of the judgement then,tufh, what need I be fo ftrift and precife? Thus he is affected, not upon found judgement. Atfefted he is, and ffrongly affected too for the while, but he is not affecded judicioufly. Thirdly, A carnal mans affections are not wrought upon regularly. His affeftions may be are wrought upon by Gods juffrre and judgements, becaufe God is a confuming fire againff fin, becaufe God is fevere againft the works of ini- quity, becaufe he hath made heaven -gate to be flraight. Thefe are the grounds of his work. His affeftions are wrought upon this way ; therefore he weeps, and there- fore he praies, and therefore he reforms, and therefore he E 3is 3 They are notrcßu- larly wrought on. ._.-----