------- 3D ATeRtife of the Aeaioss. --___ They are not wrought on un vetfally. ¡.cginyoias 7á70y Mes the Text. is affe&ed. But this is not regular affection : he is affècled with fear, but it 'is not the fear of Gods goodneffe, not Gods mercy and goodneffe, were there no other attribute in God, he might look long enough, before he would fear his mercy : that's a ground of prefumption to him, but he fears Gods judgements and his jullice ; he doth not trem. hie and quake to confider that God is a merciful God, and a good God whom he hath finned againll. The true Ifrael of God, They fear the Lord and his goadneJre, Hof. 3.5. their affeftions are regular, they are affected with fear of Gods goodneffe. But a carnall man is not affefted with the fear of Gods goodneffe. He is affefted with the fear of Gods ¡unite, his affections are wrought on irregu- larly. Fourthly, A carnal mans affections are not terought sap- an univerfally. Some affeftions are wrought on, and others are not. No, he hath a contradiftion of affet`lïons.. He hath fome good affeftions toGod and to grace,and he hath fome affeftions that are contradictory to thefe. Some finnes he grieves under, fofne he is glad under; fome commandments he delights to be doing, and fome he delights to be break- ing. I do notmean part flefh, and part fpirit, for fo the heft godly fouls under Heaven have a contradit4ion of affëfti- ons : they have fome affeftions of the fpirit, and fome af- fections of the flefh, contradiding and oppofmg one ano- ther. I do not mean this. But a carnal man bath fuch a con- tradidion of affeáions, as that his carnal affeftions give the other the lye. He is affected with furrow for his finites,.. but he is not troubled for his ufury, He is affefted with de fires to leave his fins, but not to leave his linful dependan ces . As Efau, he was affected with weeping for his miffing of grace and the bleffing, but not for his pleafures and fen - .fol delight. Is not tftis a contradiction ofaffeCtións f lie found no place ofs' pentane, though ho fiught is carefully With tears, Heb. z z. x7, He was affeéted with weeping after re pentance, but he could finde no place to bellow it in. There: was