A Treatife o f the 9ffe tions was not elbow-room enough for repentance in his heart. He made fome room in fome part of his heart for repen- tance, but not in all. He foundplace for it in fome of his affections, but not in all. He is affefted, but, he is not affected univerfally. He bath a contradiction of affecïi- ons in his foul ; fo that a carnal mans affections, though they be wrought on, they are not wrought upon univer- fally. It is true, a carnal mans affections may be exceedingly wrought on, then I pray examine your felves; Two perfons 1 would have to examine themfelves. Firft, Them that think their affections are fet upon God. urmwe more alt Fór as for them that are abfolutely carnal, whofe affections examine are buried in the things of the World, and have no affetti- $ ourrelàes, on at all unto grace or unto holineffe, I fpeak not to them, erperiafly . their own confsiencescondemn them to be rotten, and are thole. as good as a thoufand examiners. I doe not fpeak to them. If they will not hear their own confciences, much leffe will they hear me. I fpeak to them that think their affections are fet upon God. Secondly, Them that though their affections be fet upon That Quilt, yet they think they are not affected aright: for I think affe- many Chriftian fouls are rightly affected, and doe not ¡ thcce are think fo.Examine your felves whether ye be rightlyaffected ! F.°07,8 ec on or no. i Gad. Firft, He that is truly affected with grace and with Chrift l z. and his Word,He offet7s nothing fo march as he doth grace. A carnal man may be greatly affected with grace, but there is fomething he affects more He affeas his vanities more and his profits more, and his pleafures more. Herod, itis true, he affected john Baptify, he ,new he Was a pig man, and he fear- ed him he affected his preaching, for he heard him gladly, he affeted thepractifeof his doctrine, for he did many things, he was affected greatly with thefe good things, but there was tome things he was affected with more. The daughter ofHerodias affeftedhim more. ShepleafedHerod, faies the Text, 31 He chat truly,af. feEìs grace affc(Is no- thing ro much as grace.