Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

V-crf.tj. s. He muff needs have ex- preffions of grace. Proverb. ATreatife of the Af eEEions. Text, Mar.6.ía. he was not only affefted with her dancing, but affefted to content. She pleafed Herod. lohn Baptift did not pleafe him,he had not content in his Miniftry.Nay, her dancing affefted him fo much, that he was willing to part with half of his Kingdom to gratifie her. Whatfoever thorn Jbalt aek,of me, faies he, I Will give it thee, to the one half of my Kingdom. This was more affeftion then ever he Chewed to lohn's Doftrine. He never Paid to lohn or his Doftrine, l'le part with a quarter of my Kingdom, nay, he would not part with his whore nor his Tuffs for that. Nay, he would rather fee John dead, as well as he affefted him, then miffe of his pleafures,ornot gratifie his Lords. I'le givethee,faies he to his damofel, II'e give thee one half of my Kingdom. Give me then,faies the, lohn Baptiftr head in a Charger.The foolith King had not wit enough to fay, John is dearer then all my Kingdom. No, he affefted his teaching well, but his paffime better. Examine thy foul by this mark thou art affèfted with grace, but is there nothing thou art affeft- ed with more ? thou art glad to hear a Sermon, but may we not fee thee gladder at thy fports ? thou art glad to part with an hour at Gods worthip, but art thou not gladder to part with two at thy profits ? a childe of God is affeft- ed with grace moff : let credit flie, let profit Aie, let car- nal relations flie, let life, let living, let all that he hath flie, rather then let a good duty of grace flie away : he is molt affefted with grace, there is nothing he affetdfs more or fo much. Secondly, He that is affèéfed with grace and godlineffe aright, muff needs have exprefftons ofgrace ; he cannot but thew it; he can as eafily carry fire in his bofome and hide it, as conceal grace. Can a man be deeply affefted with for - rows, and not Phew it in his face ; can a man be deeply af- fefted with pallions ofanger and of wrath, and not Phew it in his countenance ? hands, feet, lips, noftrils, eyes, fore- head, yea, and all a mans gefture and carriage will Phew what affeftions are in him, f eitio taciturna nulla et a f e- mo.