Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

A Treatife of the Afeçtions. i Cho. Every p affionbath its proper dialeft. Concealed affe- 33 df.ion is no affection at all, or but final( and as good as no- thing. So if thou beeff affected with grace, 'twill thew it felf in thy fpeeches, in thine aftions, in thy wales, 'twill thew it felf in thy calling, 'twill thew it felf in thy compa- ny, 'twill thew it fell at the table, 'twill thew it felt in the market ; thou canif not be affefted with grace, but thou wilt be an open profeffour of grace. Can a man take fire in his bofome, and his clothes not be burnt ? Prov.6.27. If fire be in thy bofome, all that come near thee will feel the very finell of it in thy clothes. The affections are a fire. The fire kindled, faies David, Pfa1.39.3. that is, mine affeftions did kindle, he ¡Trove for to hide them, but he could not ; can you not be religious but you muff Phew it ? faies the moc- ker of all goodneffe. No, it is a fign thou haft no affeftion to holineffe, becaufe thou wilt not thew it : Thou cant hear God difhonoured with Oaths, and not thew thine af- feftion against them : thou omit come in company and fuf- fer unprofitable language, and not Phew thine affeftions to holy difcourfe, a fign thou haft no affeftions that way ; thou mayfl fay thou art affefted with grace, but how doth it appear ? It appears not in thy praiers, little or no affefti- on in them ; it appears not in the Sabbath, little or no affe- &ion to the fanftifying of it: Like the flupid fool in the Co- medy, who being willing to be thought to be angry, he knew not how to thew it, but only by faying, Irafcor, I am angry, faies he ; one would think if hewere angry, he need- ed not to fay he was angry, the afeftion of anger would have expreffed it Pelf, but he had no other reafons to be thought to be angry, but only his faying, I am angry So thou haft no other expreflìons of affeftion at the word, or at grace, but only thou fayeft, I am affefted therewith. Concealed affeftion is no affeftion, De non apparentibau & do non exiffentibus eadem eft ratio, its a good rule in-Law There is the fame reafon for things which appear not that is for things which exil nòt. Certainly here it is molt true, F I may