Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

ï 34 A 7 caszfe ofthe Affeiliens. I may be confident to fay, if thine affections appear not, thine affeftions are not. 3. Thirdly, He that is affected with grace or with holineffe, He is if he be never fo little interrupted, troubled he is troubled, it's like the with any flopping of a water - courfe, the water fwels and is troubled interru- exceedingly that it cannot paffe ; like the Woman in the prion. Gofpel, whofe affections were to Chrift to anoint his head, when his Eiícples had call n a rub in her way, that it had been better bellowed on the poor, why trouble ye the Woman ? faies Chrift, Mat.a6. to, Chrift knew it troubled her affections to be hindred from their courfe; he that is truly affected with Chrift or his Spirit, if he light not on Chrift the fooner, he is even lick of love. I charge ye, Oye daughters of Ierufalem, if ye finde my &loved, that ye tell him I amfrck,o f love, Cant. 5,8. her poor foul was even lick at heart for her Love, becaufe fhe could not come at him: examine thy fell in this point, I am fure thou haft been long enough without Chrift, thou art ao. or 3o. years old, and all this while thou haft been without Chrift : thou faift thou art affeh ed with a Chrift, O thou wouldeft fain have Chrift, thou wouldeft fain have him live in thee ever ; an- fiver me now, art thou lick of love for a Chrifl ? Hope defer- red makes the heart fiches Prot 3.12. Thou faift thou art af- Lfected with hopes after grace, thou hopeft for grace, and for ftrength againft fin, and thy hope is deferred, thy hope Icomes not yet, thou art not able to withftand thy corrup- tions, not able to fubdue fuch a luft; no, if thou beef} affefted at all with any hope, thy hope is deferred as yet but bath it made thy heart lick ? wert thou ever fick at heart for this grace ? if it have not made thy heart lick, it is a fign thou wert never rightly affehed with hope, for if thou wert, it would make thy heart Fick to be fo long without it, as thou haft been. Maybe thine affeftions are fo ftrong let on the world, that thou halt been world -fick, and croffe- lick, and trouble -fick, and anger -lick, and'revenge -lick, and coveteoufnefs -fick ; as Ahab was lick, becaufe he knew not how