Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

4.Treáti[e of the Affections. May be thou how to get Naboths vineyard, t King. art croft and fick of vexation ; may be thou art incenfed,and tick of revenge or impatiency : but art thou lick after grace re the fîck elfes of the foul if the foul be affefted indeed, Arí(for. a ' the is fick if the fpeed not. fourthly, He that is truly of e led with grace hath his f$e , hath converfation in heaven, whence all grace does defcend. Animia his coo - eft non abi .animal, fed tebi amat, tote foul is, not where it a- verfatioc nimates, not where it fojourns, but where it affects; and ! in heave therefore thou liven in heaven, if thou beeft truly affefted Vrace d with heavenly things : he that is truly affefted with grace, kends. is moll affefted with the fountain of grace, which 48. God. Hereby God is the fountain of all grace, and ifthou beef} affefted only are with it, thou art chiefly affefted with God. Alas I thou we marri. mayal have a good memory, a good wit, and good parts, ageabie brift to and be of eifled with them,and rejoyce that thou haft them. t h ift. . But all the queftion is this, art thou affefted with God the deí r fountain of grace ? a wicked man may be affefted with grace Cain, in the bucket, and yet have no love to grace in the foun- tain: it affeh s him well enough to have fome, but he does not fo like it to have much, Omne nimium vertitur to nigrum monachum, thinks he. It's the property of the godly to be of wiled with God, Rejoyce in the Lord O ye righeeouo, Pfal. 33.1. Be ye atfedled with God himfelf, faies the Pfalmifl. One, he is affefted with pleafures, another, he is affedled with honour and refpeél, another,he is affefted with profit, another,he may be affedled with grace too,but it is the god- ly man only that is affefted with God himfelf. Examine your affe rions, are ye affedled with God himfelf ? are ye of wiled with his glory ? It does infinitely Rand us in hand, to have our affedlions fet right ; which I will prove by thefe 8. arguments. Firfl, Hereby only are we marriageable to Chrift., When, a man goes a woing for a wife, all his care is to get her af- fedlions, he will never marry her if he be wife, if he nit 31