36 Hereby only dotti the foul fet favou- rites the heart. ATreatife of the Affeelions. not have her affe6tion, tyforoy .P,l,V;c4Q,7?77r0ee Nile, The affelions are the womanhood of the foul, he will never marry her, if the be nor a woman for him, much leffe will he marry her, if fhe be not a woman at ail, he will not have a man for his wife, fhe (hall be a woman certainly, if he ever mean for to marry her; fhe is not marriageable, but only for her affeétion ; what a miferable foul then is thy foul, ifthyaffeions be not right? thou art not mar- riageable to Chrift. This is the rule of all wives and of all Spoufes, thy defireJSallbe to thy hufband, Gen, 3.16. Thine affe6tions (hall be to him, or thou can't not be his wife. He is a monfter in nature that will have a wife, whole affecti- on is let on another. What,doft-thou take Chrift for a mon- fler,that thy foul fhould be married to him, when thine af- fe6tion is foreftalled ? If thine affections be to the world, and to the !trumpet -like things of the world, Chrift cannot abide thee. Knoweft thou not that the love ofthr World is filthy en- heft th u thine affections to te world, and yet hopef} to be married to Chrift? thou art not marriageable to him : if gains and pleafures and vanities, and fuck like bafe para- mours untoChrift,lthoua to the worlds Spoufe and be he devils when thine affections be inordinate. Uncleanneffe and inordinate affection, the Apoftle puts them together, Mort if eyour members Which are on the earth, fornication,un- cleanneffe, inordinate affeí?ion, Coll .5. So that thy foul is a filthy and an unclean foul,that haft thefe inordinate affedi- ons unmortified in thee, thy foul is a fit Spoufe for the un- clean 1pirit, and not for Chrift, and therefore it deeply con- cerns you to have your affections let right, becaufe thereby only are ye marriageable to Chrift. heaSecondly, are the Hereby ea is fa the whom the igher affecfs. Now if Chrift be not thy hearts favourite,. what a woful condition art thou in? It bath been the utidoing of many