Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

4 Treatife of the Afeetions. many a Prince, the having of ill favourites ; and that foul mull needs be for ever undone, that hath ill favorites in her heart. As foon as f ofeph was in favour with the Keeper of the prifon, lofeph prefently had all at command, nothing was done but lofeph was the doer of it, Gen. 39.21. He was no fooner in favour but he was Dominus fac totem, as we fay ; he ruled all then. Look what thy heart does af- fetI, that is in favour with thy heart; that is dominoes fac totem. If thy pleafures and thy vanities be once in favour with thy heart, Chrift can have no command of thy heart, no further then thy lulls will give leave : thou canil not re- form any thing that is amifs, no further then thy lulls will give leave : wouldft thou repent, or l'land for Gods glory ? thou canfi not unlefs thy lulls do give leave: wouldll thou be reproved, or well counfelled ? thou canfl not unlefs thy lulls will give leave : as long as thy tufts are in favour with thy heart,they govern all,they command all,thy minde goes as they tend,thy thoughts come as they call,thy courfes are as they will. I will give this people favour in the fight of theE- gyptians,and they /Ball fjroil the Egyptians,Exo.3.21,22.When they were once in favour with them,they might fpoil them, and rob them, and borrow Jewels of them, and never pay them again ; they might do any thing,when they were in favour with them. O the mifery of the foul, when the world, or pleafure, or finne, or the like are in favour with it, they fpoil it, and rob it, and bereave it of all the jewels it hath ; Chrift can doe nothing to any purpofe with that foul, that favours other things betides Chrifl.Now if thine k affeflions be not let right, thy'favour is not right fee : this is the reafon why thou artweddedto the world, and wed- ded to thy lulls, that thine affe&ions cannot be unto Chrift. When Hadad had great favour with Pharoah, Pharaoh even married his own wives filler unto Hadad, i Kin.i h]9. He made him his brother, he brought him into the neareft re- latiòn he could, whenas his favour was fet towards him. So if thou favourefl the things of this life, thou weddefl thy p3 foul 37