Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

1 Arreatife of the AfeEtions. truth, then we might havefome hope to convert you. As Epiflettu faies of wrongs, and of injuries, and all things in theworld, every thing hath dlio x:ißds, Every thing path two handles, O faies he,if a man could take hold of every wrong at the right handle, then he would bear it patiently : fo I may fay of your haarts. Your hearts have two handles. I pray God the Word may take hold at the right handle ofyour hearts. The true affeciions of the heart, if ever the Word take hold of them, it hath taken hold of the right handle; Is it not then a lamentable thing that mens affe- ctions are mifplaced ? alas ! they are the hold of the heart, and the heart can never be taken, unleffe they be fet right. Sirthly, It may appear how infinitely it Bands you in hand to fet your affections aright, becaufe they are the fouls flomack: that which the foul Both affeft, that feedeth and filleth the foul, as meat doth the (lomack. Is it not necefha- ry to be careful what meat we doe eat ? if we eat trafh it will kill us, if we feed upon poyfon, it will poyfon and infeét us. Now that is the food of thy foul, which thy foul does affeet, and thine affection is thy fouls ftomack to hun- ger after it, thine affections are óre::xñs a uápnreç, faies Afj a- f:su, they are the appetite of the foul. Such then as your affections are, fuch is your food. Should you fee a man feed upon dirt,and upon Bricks, and upon carrion, certainly you would fay, unleffe he be broken therefrom, it will kill him. No remedy but it will kill him without doubt. And wilt thou feed thy. foul with vanities, and with troth, and with poyfon ? Every thing is trafb befides Chriftí, every thing is poyfon befides Chrifl and his graces ; if thou feedeft upon any thing befides Chrift and his fpirit, thou feedeft upon trash and upon poyfon. Now, if thou fet thine affe `lions here below, thou feedeft upon trail. Thou murdereft thy foul with fuch food, its rank poyfon, and yet thou feedeft upon it. That which thou affeétefl, that's thy fouls food. As new born babes defire the f:ncere milkof the Word, that G ye 41 Epi¡E. 6, Affections are the fouls 11 o- riuck. t,. :, arl Nice. c. ;.