Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

44 B Treatife of the Affeaions. I and joy,and grief, and love, and the dike pallions with you. Now if the bare having of affeftions be the arguments that a man is a man, then furely the goodneffe or vaineffe of thefe affeftions are the arguments that a man is a Chriflian man, or an ungodly man. I befeech you confider what a woful diflreffed condition ye are in, if your affeftions be vain and earthly, ye carry a brand in your hearts that ye are not of God, that ye are yet the haves of Satan and the fervants of unrighteonfnefs, and your end is no better then eternal death and deflruCtion. Af feeud virum indicat. Your affeftions fhewyou What men and Women ye be, &c, A4+r+n ` nrtnrrsr` e+`n4,4iR,AWA v*V+ ewle`%e V#V WsrVie'VvV The IV. Sermon. Color. 3.2. Set youraffellions on things that are above, &c. Itherto it fufficeth to have fpoken of the coherence of the words, wherein ye have heard. Firft What there affeftions be. Secondly, That a wicked man cannot fet his affeftious on God. Thirdly, How far forth a wicked man may have good af- feftions, and how they differ from the godlier. Fourthly, How they may examine themfelves,and finde that their affeftions are not let right. Fifthly, Eight feveral arguments to convince them what a woful conditionthey are in, till their affeftions_are fe't up- on God. Now