A Treatife of the Affections. Now for the words, they contain a fpecial duty, that a It ii ns Chriflian is bound to,namely,to fet his affeetions uponGod.1 duty ai a ns The Apoftle preffes it flrongly. his affe ì Firft, Becaufe it is an infallible ;nark of our being or not bc- ons upon ing in Chrift. If ye be rifen with Chrifl, &c. fet your affe- God. Rion on things above. As if he fhould fay ; Ye fay ye are 1 R le i. rifen with Chrifl, come then and demonftrate it now that ,s an u ye are rifen with Chrifl. If ye be rifen with Chrift, this fau,blear will infallibly follow. Ye will fet your at- eclions above ; gument of it cannot be otherwife. If your atfedions be not fet above, out being doubtleffe you are not rifen with Ch rift. Thofe that are of not bc. Chrifls, faies St Paul, have crucified the fle/b with the af- login c;hrß, feElions and lofts, Galat. s. M. He takes it for granted, that if they be Chrifls, they have crucified the flefh and the affieEtions to the World-ward, and fet them upon God. Secondly, He preffeth it ac a ;natter of reafonable equity ;, s Realm the competition (lands but between two,, Either things in Becaure it heaven, or things on earth. One of them ye muff- fet your nfarustt r affections upon, ye cannot fet your affeElions upon both ; able equi. if ye fet your affections any where,, ye muff needs fet them ty, upon one of thefe two. Mark the competition. Set your af- fe tionsun things that are above, not on the things on the Earth ; now there is a neceffity of reafon, that election fhould be made of the befl, that we fhould fet our affeeci- ons on the better of the twain; to wit, the things that are in Heaven, which are infinitely better then the things here onEarth. Set your a ffeflions on thin s that are above, and not on the things on Earth. So that Eence ye may See Yea ofne. the neceffity of this duty. We mull let our affections a- 1ellil. bove, or which is all one, uponGod. The ftrengrh of this neceffity will the better appear, if we confider thefe four' '' Y Pp Becaufe things. God is the Firft, That God is the principalobjetí of our affellions as ;.rinapoì the eye is made to -be fet upon colours, and the ear is made °hied .4 to be fet upon founds, and the finell.is made to be fet upon uir a fre- cns' G 3 odours,