ATreatije of the Afeltions. odours ; fo the a fefiions are made to be principally fet upon God. The affelions are fo naturally due unto God, that if it benot God the fouls affections are let on, it makes it a God or an Idol. And therefore the Apoftle bids us mortifie our inordinate affeclions, evil concupifcence, and coveteoufnefr, Which is Idolatry, Co1.3.5. when our affections are fet upon gains, and upon profits, and the things of this life, the A- poftle cals this coveteoufnefhe, and this coveteoufneffe he faies it is Idolatry becaufe the foul makes Gold a god, and (jiver a god, and profit a god, by fetting its affef ions there- upon. As the eye Both either fee colours, or elfe it fees a thing under the likeneffe of a colour : colour is the princi- pal object of the fight, and therefore if it be not a colour which it fees (as the eye may fee light, as the light of the fire, the light of the Sun, but it fees it under the likeneffe of rednefl'e or whiteneffe, or force other colour.) It ap- pears by a colour, or elfe it cannot fee it: So beloved, it is either God our of éflions are on, or we idolize it as a God. Indeed we may affect other things as mediums and in refe- rence to God, but look where we fet our affections, that is our God. Only fear the Lord, and ferve him With all your heart, t Sam. t 2.24. We mutt fet our affection of fear only upon God. The affections are the fouls attendants. Doth not a Servant wait only upon his own Matter ? whom he gives his attendance unto him he maketh his Matter, and whom lhould the foul wait on but only upon God ? the affections are the fouls attendances ; upon whomfoever fhe beftows them, the waits upon it as true God. My foul, faies David, my foul Wait thou only upon God, Pfa, 6z.5. Give thine attendance to none but to him. Thine affections of love, and of joy, and of hope and delire, thefe muff wait upon God for to worfhip him. Thine affectons of fear and of care, thefe mutt wait upon God to provide what ever may pleafe him. Thine afiteeions of hatred, and of grief, and forrow, and the like, thefe mutt wait ah guard to keep offwhat ever may offend him; thine affections are prin- cipally