Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

A Treatife o f the Afeaions: cipally for God ; this is the firft ground,the affeftions were made for God. Secondly, As the affeftions were principally made for this purpofe,to be fet uponGod, fo nothing but God hark that Which the afcllions loopfor. It is God which thé affeftions look for, and where can the affeftions finde it but only in God ? there ú none good but one, that is God, Matt.19.17. The young man would have thought he fought for good in a right place, when he fought for it in Chrift. But as Chry- foflome obferves, ms's dPOt IzY,0 40,e, when he lookt upon Chrift as a meer man, Chrift tels him he was miftaken in calling him good, there is none good but one, that is God. Chrift himfelf, as near as he was unto good, as he came nearer to it then any creature in heaven or in earth, yet if he had been a creature, and men had fet their affeftions on him as their good, being a creature, they had fet their affeftions amiffe : why calleft thou me good? faies he; fo much more Both every creature anfwer, Thou thinkeftri- ches,honors and pleafures are good. Why call ye me good? may they all fay, there's none good but one, that is God. Will a man feek. for the Sun in a pale of Water ? Indeed, if the Sunne thine on the water, there may you fee it. But if the Sun do not look on it, you may look over all the wa- ters in the world, and never finde the Sunne in them all. So will you fet your affations on the things of the world ? it is good your affations look for, cam ye finde any good in thefe things ? alas 1 alas ! thou mayft have all the things of this world, yet if God do not Phew thee his face, and his grace in the fame, finitut ad cribrum, thou runneft to them as afool to afive. The five feems to hold a great deal of wa- ter, but by pulling the five from the water, the fool loft all the water. So riches, and wealth, and pleafures, as long as thou haft them in grace and in God, they are like fives in the water, full of water as long as they are in. So thefe are full of good, as long as they are in God and in grace Bur- if thou doff not fet thine affeftions upon God, thine affe6ti- 1 ons 1 47 2. Nothing but God hath that which the of eetions look for : Becaufe nothing is good but God. Chry fo¡i.