Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

48 I ATreatifeoftáeAffefEions. 3 Becaufe nothing is my good but only God. I ons are befooled, and therefore thou mull fet thine affe- Rion upon God,becauCe nothing but God bath that which thine affeftions look for. It is Good which the affections look for, and thine affecîions can finde it no where but in God. Thirdly, As nothing but God bath that which the affe- e ions look for, nothing is good but he, fo nothing is my good but only he, for if it be good, and not my good, this difcon- tents mine affeftions ; mine affections look at my good. I know compaffion, and mercy, and love may look at the good of another ; but then they confider force kinde of propriety in that other, either as my brother, or friend, or my neighbour, Bill the affeftions have an eye unto my good, thine affections to thy good. Now nothing in the world can fo truly be faid thy good, as thy God. Other goods are called this Worldsgoods , i Joh.3.i7. They are the goods of this World rather then thy goods : But God is thy goodneffe : Thou art my goodneffe, O Lord, faies the Pfalmift, Pfal.144.2. Thou canft not fay of thy pleafures, this is my goodneffe, nor of wealth, this is my goodneffe ; nor of any thing in the world, this is my goodneffe : the good that is in it, is the goodneffe of the thing, not thy goodneffe ; if I fhould fay, this is thy goodneffe, it's all one as if I fhould fay, thou haft no goodneffe, for that is none of thine, but only by poffeffion, it is not thy good - neffe.And therefore how canft thou fet thine affeftions up- on it? Ertl, It is only the good of thy body, iris not thy good, A- nima hominis e.Fi< homo, laies Plato. The foul is the man rather then the body. If the things of this life be the goods of the body, then how cana thou fet thine affè lions upon them ? Thine affections are the affections of thy foul. Meat is good, let thy body hunger after it, and thou finneft not : drink is the good good ? let thy body third after it, thou erreft not; but wilt ythe b" thou fet thine affeftions upon it ? when it is not thy good, but only the good of thy body, it is not thy good : means and t. The good of the creature not thy good, be_ taule but