Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

ATreatie oltbe Aeions, and maintenance is the good of thy body, houle, and lands, and livings, thefe are the good of thy body, let the defires of thy body be to them, this is Well yet ; but if the defires of thy foul be thereto, if thou let thine affeFtions upon them, thou art a beaft, becaufe they are not thy good. As7heophy10 well obferves upon the rich man in the Gofpel, Soul,thou haft muchgoods laid up for many years, Luk.I2.a9. take thine cafe, eat, drink, and be merry; fee the bafenefre of this fools affeëfions, faies Theophylall : to eat, to drink, and to be merry: thefe were the goods of his unreafonable part ; to rejoyce in Gods Law, to rejoyce in holy thoughts and meditations, thefe are the goods of the foul, of the reafonable foul of a man. Now the fool he had none of thefe goods laid up; and yet he faies, Soul, thou haft much good laid up for many years, whereas that very night he died and was damned for ever ; the things:of this life then are not thy good, and therefore thou muff not let thine affections upon them. econdly, It is not thy good, becaufe it is not as long as thou art. Thou muff live for ever in heaven or in het. Now all the goods of this life laff but this life, and when thou dieft, thou muff leave them to others, and therefore they are not thy goods. Were they thy goods, thou mighteft carry them away with thee when thou dieff ; but this can - not be. Canft thou carry thy barns and thy houles to hea- ven or to hell with thee? canft thou carry thy dogs and thy hounds, and thy pleafures, and thy preferments to an= other world with thee? No, no, and why then dolt thou fet thine affe'rions upon them, when they are not thy goods for to carry with thee where ever thou goeff ? if thou wouldefi fet thine affections upon grace and upon God, thou fhouldeff let thine affe&ions upon thy goods ; thefe are thy goods as long as thou liveff, and thefe are thy goods when thou dyeft, and thefe thou mayft carry with thee whitherfoever thou goeft. wilt thou fet thine eyes upon that Nvhich is not ? faies Solomon; forri- H ches t. Betaule not fo long as thou arc,