So [eatfeoftbeAffeEtiens. ches certainly make themfelves wings, they fly away as an Eagle, Pro.23.5. wilt thou fet thine affections upon that which is not? Wealth is not, and pleafure is not, and all the things of this world are not, they make, themfelves wing! : now may be they are a bird in the hand, but by and by they are gone, there's a wing of prodigality, a wing of change, and of mifhaps and of cafualties, wings of loffes and other occurrences, and though thou couldeft clip all thefe wings with thy wifedom, yet the wing of death and mortality will carry them all away in a moment, and then whole thall they be ? thy pleafures, then whofe (hall they be ? thy gains and thy comings in, whofe fhall they be ? Pure it is,they thall be none of thine,and therefore fet thine affections elfewhere, thou mutt fet them upon God. 3. Thel are not thy good, becaufe they Will ieot take thy Becaufe part. Will any man fet his affections on him that will not they will take his part ? how can I affect him that will not affect me ? not rake if he will leave me in the lurch, I can never affect him as thy pert. my friend. Alas 1 all the things of this life will leave See in the lurch, thou mayft perifh and be damned for all them. They will never deliver thee from the hand of hell ; when thorn cornett before the tribunal of Chrift, doll thou think it will profit thee to fay, Lord, I have hunted and hawked, and gamed and fported, and I have been mer- ry; will it benefit thee to fay, Lord, I have budded and purchafed, and encreafed my livings and my rents, I have a good houfe, and a good farm, and good friends, Will this advantage thee ? No, miferable comforters are they all ;r canft thou fay, Lord, I have built up thy Church and thy worfhip, I have purchafed zeal and holineffe, and pure- neffe, and glory to thy name, nave been perfecuted and hated of all men for thy Name fake, and I am in Chrift,&c. If thou cattít fay thus, this would be thy good indeed ; but lay. Sat. if thou caraft not fay thus, though thou beeft Galling filitts t;. albs, thou mayflperith with the devils and turfed fiends for evermore for all the blefi'ings of this life. Set thine affe lions