Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

A Treatie of the dffei Lions, affe6tions then upon God : truly God is good to lfrael, faies the Pfalntifk, Pfal.73.1. He is good, and he truly is good; thou canft not fay fo of all the things under Heaven; thou canft not fay, truly riches are good to me. Pleafure truly is good tome ; peace and plenty and liberty truly is good to thee ; they are good, but they will never be good to thee; when thou haft molt need of good, then they will leave thee in the lurch, thefe do thee no good then. This is the third; is nothing but God is good, fo nothing is thy good, but God. Fourthly, As nothing is thy good but God, fo nothing No h.iao can reft thine affections butGod. When thou affecteft any can tetl' thing, wherefore dolt thou affed it, but only to relit con- the foul tented therewith when thou haft it ? and therefore thou but only fault fet thine affet%ons upon God, becaufe nothing can reff God. thy foul, but only thy G,d.Reftx in the Lord. Pfal, 37.7. Return unto thy refs 0 my foul, Pfa. t t 6.7, God is the ref' of the foul; if the foul ever get him, is refteth content ; the affections are in a maze, if they be not fet upon God, like a man in a quagmire, he finks deeper and deeper, fo a man finks deeper and deeper in delires and in wifhes, that hath not his affections upon God ; there is nothing can give the foul refs, if the foul relit not in God. Will meat in a dream, and drink in a dream give fatisfadion to our hunger,&our thirlt ? So are all the good things in this world,/f.29 8. Go to all the wicked men in the earth, let them delire and have their delires, ftiil they delire and further theirdefre, and yet they delire after millions of delires, their affections are as far for to Peek for refs, as if never they had fought. All the things in the world are like force Ale - houfe- beer,which will never quench the poor Travellers thirft, like the eating of fait nears- tongues ; the more they do eat, the more they are athirft: hungry meat,He that defsretb fìlver,Jhall neverk'e . fatiofiedwith filver, he that affects pleafuce and vanity,fhall never be contented nor fatisfeed therewith ; give him ones, he affects tens,give him tens,he affeFteth hundreds;givehim H z hundreds,