Seeaule nothing hutGod is all good. 2s Nothing but God is Me ulti- mate good A Treat je of the Af etiions. hundreds, he affe &s thoufands; give him them, he affec4- eth millions ; thou canfl never get reff, till thine affections are pitcht upon God. Quo plus Punt pata, plot ftiunttir a- qua. It's God only that réteth the affetlions. Now ifthefe be fo,is it not our belt way to let our affec4ions on God,where wemay have reff for our fouls ? nothing beides can give us any refl. Firft, becaufe nothing but God is all good. Every good be- fides God bath but one or two goodnefftss in it. None but God bath all goodnefl'es in him ; what is meat good for, but only to feed one ? when thou haft it thou muff defire again to have rayment, for meat will not cloth thee ; what is rayment good for, but only to cover one ? when thou haft it, thou mull delire again to be fed, for rayment will not feed thee ; what is money good for, but only to buy with ? when thou haft it, thou mull defire again to be re- covered of thy fickneffe, for money will not cure thee of -the Feaver : thus no good thing in the world can give thine affeftions a reft, becaufe they have but one or two good - neffes a piece in them, but the Lords goodneffe is infinite, he is all good ; if thou haft him, thou wanteft no manner of thing that is good. They thatfeek,the Lord /hall not Want any good thing, Pfa.34.1o. for every good thing is in him. He is bread to the hungry, and drink to the thinly, and health to. the Fick, and liberty to the captive, all in all to them that fet their affections on him. Fru/ira fit per plura quod fieri poteff per pauciora. If thine affections go to any creature, thou fetcheft but a little good at once, thine affe- ctions will be fain to go a thoufand and a thoufand times over and over, thou getteftfo little at once, that thou (halt be tempted to be affecting the oftner ; but if thine affeli- ons go to God, thou goeft to the fountain, there thou haft it by drops, never enough, here thou maylthave it at once. Who would be fo mad to fetch water at a Cock that run - neth by drops, whenthe Fountain is by? Secondly, becaufe nothing but God is the ultimate good. Thou