f i Vfe. It is a bief. fing of Gud that we have affedione. Apud Cie. Tu¡cut 4. The affe. Qionsare not in themfelvs Gnful. Becayfe Adam and Eve had affeftions in inno. cency. ,ATreatije of tbe AffiïEions. creature:I fay, if Chrift be not in them, the bleflïngs are not themfelves; they have not the good that is in, them with- out Chrift. David had a Caille, and a Buckler, And a Horn, but they were not themfelves without God. Lord, thou àrt my Caille, and my Buckler, and the Horn of my Ialvation. David had a fervant to make his bed in his fickneffe, but to let us know that this bleffing was not it felf without God, he puts the phrafe upon God, Who made his bed in hir- f:ckneffe ; no bleffingis it feif without Ch rift, or without God. He hath all the goodneffe that is in it. The Heathens have a pretty phrafe, whereby they let out a happy man, V ndecunque Deus, When God is every Where about him ; a-. bout him in his means and his riches, about him in his houfe and in his goods, about him in his friends and ac- quaintance, about him in his pleafure and mirth : lie is not happy unleffe God be in every thing that is about him ; they are but the carcaffes of good, if God be not in them. Thus you fee we muff let our affedions on God. Here then we are taught, That it e the hleffing ofGod that We haveaffeltions implanted in our hearts. For how could they be let upon God, ifit were not a blefling that we have them ? There is a main controverfie between the Philofo- phers, the Stoicks, and the Peripatetiques, concerning the affedions : the Stoicks do ftifly maintain, that it is an evil to have any affedions at all : and therefore Zeno defines the affedions to be unnatural ftirrings of the heart, averle from right reafon, which is falle ; for this is the definition of affedions, as they are corrupt, and not as they are affe- ?ions; the affedions in themfelves are not finful. First, Becaufe Adam and Eve had affellions in innocency, If the affedions were all finful in themfelves, Adam and Eve in their innocency could not have had them, for they were created without fin : but they were created with affe- dions, as love, and joy, and delight, and hope, And fear, And the like. Before Eve everífinned, we fee plainly fhe was afraid to eat of thetta biddearfrui_t indeed when t'hede- vil