Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

A Treatife o f the Aeetion,r: 55 vil had ripened his temptation, then fhe went feariefly on for to eat it ; but when the devil affaulted her at the firff, O faies the, We may not eat ofit,lel We die, Gen. ;.3. Lo, fhe was afraid for to eat it at firft. I confeffe before the fall, may be they had not all the affeftions in ad, becaufe there were no objecis for all the affections to work on they had nothing to grieve for, nothing to be angry at, no- thing to defpair of; but for my part, I think they had di- ffinf objefts to work on, though not in themfelves, for they had not finned as yet, yet they had diftinf obje Is in the world for all their affections to work on, forfhould they not grieve to fee God difhonoured by the fall of the Angels ? fhould they not hate and abhor backfliding from God ? though there were none in themfelves, neverthe- letfe the affeftions of fear and hatred were given them to keep away fin and apoftafìe from God. Now if the affe- tlions were in Adam in innocency, they could not be fin- ful in themfelves. Secondly, Becaufe Chrifi took our afeEiion.r upon him. If the affeftions were finful in themfelves, he could not take óur affections upon him ; for he was made like unto us, fin only excepted : and therefore if the affections were fins, he could not have taken our affeftions ; but he did take them, as the Gofpel doth abundantly thew. He had our affeftion of joy, Iefuc reioyced in Spirit, and laid, I thank thee, O Father, &c. Luk a 0.23. He had our affedion of for. row, My foul it exceeding forroeful unto death; Mat. 26.3 8. He had our affection of anger : He looked round about on them With anger, being grieved at their hardneffe of heart, Mar.3.5. He had our affeeionofdelire, With de/re I have defired to eat this Paffeover with you before I fuller, Luk. 22, 15. And fo of the ref}. If Chriff took our affections upon him, our affections are not finful in themfelves. Nay, he did not only as the Son of man take our primitive affe- Ictions, as we are men, but he was Ben Eno Jl, he was the fon of frail man, Pfa.8.5. And he took our miferabiles 4'd-ho- nes, z. Becaufe Chrifi took our affeáions upon hi,a.