Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

3. Becaufe God doth command the ufe of theaffe &i one. ATi'eatife of the Affetions. nee, ouraffe&ions of infirmity upon him ; I do not mean the affeEìions of finful infirmity, for he knew no fin : but I mean the affedions of our frailty and infirmity, as fear, and fellow- feeling, and the like. We have not a High-Priefl, which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmi- ties, but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet with- out fin,Heb.4.1 S. This then is an undeniable argument,that the affeáions are not finful in themfelves, becaufe Chrift did alllumethem. Thirdly, Becaufe the Lord doth command ots to be angry. Be angry and fin not, faies he, he commands us to grieve and be lorry for our fins, Therefore alfo now faith the Lord, turn ye even to meWith allyour heart, and With failing, and; With Weeping, and With mourning, Joel 2.12. He commands!: us to fear. Work out your falvation with fear and trem- bling; paffe the time of your fojourning here in fear. Be not high- minded but fear, I Will forewarnyou, faies Chritl, WhomyeJhall fear; fear him Which after he loath kjlled, loath power to call into hell, yea, I fay unto yen, fear him. Luk.r 3.5. He commands us to be afhamed of our evil doings, and is offended if we be not ; thou haft a whores forehead, and refufeft to be afsamed, Jer.3.3. If the affections were finful in themfelves, the Lord would not command us to thew our afFeftions on this wife ; it's true, they are finfully ufed, And corruptly perverted among men, the more is the pity, but they are not fo in themfelves. Neither do I deny but there be fome natural affec4ions that are naturally now, as corrupt nature does (land, that be finful in themfelves, as envy and malice, and the like ; which never can be regula- ted, nor guided by any moderation, but are quite to be rooted out : but thefe affe &ions are not properly natural, they are no otherwife natural then lice and vermin are na- tural to Carrion, then filthy and noyfome weeds are natu- ral to a curled ground; thefe mull be utterly rooted up and flubb'd out of our hearts, becaufe to fpeak properly they are unnatural affections and finful in themfelves, but our natural