Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

ATreati /eof the Afeétions. natural affections are not finful in themfelves, Nay more, let me tell you, the affections are not only not finful, but it is an infinite blelling of God, that God bath given us af- fections. Firft, Pecaufe if we had no affections at all, we fhould be like flocks and like fenfeleffe (tones. The Philofopher was in a doubt,whether Brutes were not a block or a brute, becaufe he had no affection at all to his own children, whom he could fee murthered.before him with dry eyes. The Lord himfelf counts that man a very block that bath no affeftion in his heart. Have ye no regard, all ye that paffe by ? behold and fee if there were any forrow like my forrow, Lam.1.12. (g. d.) What are ye fuck blocks and flu - pid flocks, that ye can thew no aff ctions at my forrow ? And therefore its reckoned among the fymptomes of a heart that is defperately hardned, not to be affected with any thing : to hear the Word, and not to be affected therewith, to pray unto God, and not to be affected with Gods prefence ; to be in afllilion, and not to be.affeded with remorfe. I fay, this is a fymptome of a hard heart. And therefore it is a blefling of God that a man bath affe- ctions within him. Secondly, becaufe as Plutarch the ve- ry Heathen obferves, were not for our affeftion, our na- ture Would be lazy and idle, w f rußsivííms Cwi a- ,wros, Like a Pilot at fea Without Winde alas ! the (hip would goe (lowly, were there no windes furring to drive it. So the a(fedions, faies he, are to the foul, as the winde to the fails of the fhip ; as the fhip could not fail apace without windes, fo the :foul would .go (lowly aboutány thing, if the affefions çlid not carry it, When Daziidr affe- ctions were hampered .about with worldly fears, fears of his enemies, and griefs at his perfecutions which he fuffer- ed, he went (lowly on in obedience, but as foon as his fails were up, then he ran like a (hip in the .lea with,a great winde, IWild runthewe) of thy;Çommtayilrbentli Whetiathor! ¡halt inlarge. nY,400" t Vfli4 .19.,3?i,A sfßQn as GwdAvwould% I help 57 Rea Ions why of lions are neccfáary, Becaufe without a!Fe&ions we fhould be like flocks. 1v Becaufe vitfiout ffeEfions .ve flaould ú fazie bid idle, I. de yip.- `ate mo. rum,infine