,ATiegtife ofthe Affic`tionr. help him to fpread the fails of his heart, and enlarge his of feetions, then he would run like a Fleet pinnace in the Seas. I Will then run the Way of thy Commandments, faies he; this is an infinite mercy of God, who feeing how dull we are unto good, how flack to good duties, how flow to holy performances, vouchfafes us thefe windes and thefe fails for Ptatareb. to carry us, x}ScémeQ ög(4e,tca rclTOjro ÿ ''X)e c Td ad.9os, faies obi[apra. the fame Philofopher. The affeFlions are like wheels, and like Chariots unto reafon. If a mans reafon be never fo good, he knows he is bound to repent, and be godly, and obey; yet if he have no affec`kions thereto, he goes like a chariot Without Wheels; he goes without force, he cannot go at all ; but if he have affections thereto, the affections are like wheels, and like horfes to carry him amain. Draw me, faies the Chriftian foul unto Chrift, draw me, and I Will run after thee, Can.1.4. She praies that Chrill would draw her by the affecHionsof love, for the fpeaks of love; the virgins love thee, faies the, ver.3. Draw me with thy love too, and then I shall run after thee, like the Chariots of Aminadab, that is, drawn by quick Horfes : the would run as with wheels unto Chrift, if her affections did once carry her. As Cicero faies ofaffeétions of anger, it is cos fortitudinis, it is thewhet to valour; fo I may fay of all the affections, they are anti/ell/ones to good, if a man have any grace. Haft thou love ? It is a whetftone to obe. dience; haft thou grief ? It is a whetfione to repentance ; haft thou anger ? it is a whetftone to zeal, &c. What is the reafon men come fo flowly on unto good ? the reafon is this, becaufe their affections Rand another way. Men re, pent burflowly, and amend their lives but flowly, encreafe its grace but flowly ; why :? this is the caufe, their affecxti- ons are to the world ; they run on in their pleafures and their vanities, they run on in their earthly employments and bufìneffes why ? their affe Lions are thereto. O be- loveds, is aninfinit mercy of God, that we have affectii unegiven us of GePil, for thefe may quicken out dulneffe unto